Dental Day at the Capitol

Dental Day at the Capitol will start out at the Radisson Hotel St. Paul Downtown (161 St. Anthony Ave, St. Paul, MN) on Thursday, February 29, 2024. Breakfast will start at 7:30 a.m., followed by remarks from key members of House and Senate leadership, legislators, and MDA members and staff. Following the morning program, you will have the opportunity to meet with your legislators, tour the capitol, take in a legislative hearing, and more!

Confirmed speakers include:

Speaker of the House Melissa Hortman
Senate Minority Leader Senator Mark Johnson
House Minority Leader Lisa Demuth
House Health Committee Chair Tina Liebling
Dental champion Representative Liz Reyer.

In 2024, the MDA will advocate for the following issues:

  • Covered Services – Redefining a covered service from a service that is “reimbursable” to a service that is “reimbursed,” preventing third party payers from dictating your fee for services not reimbursed.
  • Dental Assistant Licensure by Credentials – More clearly articulating the Board of Dentistry’s authority to recognize out of state non-CODA dental assisting programs for those seeking licensure by credentials.
  • The Dentist and Dental Hygienist Interstate Licensure Compact
  • Funding for allied dental professional education programs to expand program capacity to improve the workforce pipeline.
  • Update the base rate for Medicaid and Minnesota Care reimbursement with ongoing rebasing that incorporates inflation.