Star of the North CE Spot Application

2024 Star of the North Meeting | April 25-27, 2024 | Saint Paul RiverCentre

Deadline: Friday, March 8, 2024

Exhibitors have an opportunity to present topics for dentists and dental teams on Friday, April 26 during the 2024 Star of the North Meeting. The CE Spot will be held on the Exhibit Hall floor.

These presentations are open to all registered Star of the North attendees and require no ticket to learn, it’s for whoever stops and listens.


Area will be set with a projector, microphone, screen, and laptop. Presenters are asked to bring presentations on flash drives.

Additional information:

  • Each presenting company will have a 30-minute timeslot to present, plus approximately 10 minutes to set-up and tear down.
  • A schedule of companies will be printed on signs and published in the mobile app and website.
  • Application form must be received by the end of day on Friday, March 8.
  • Companies participating in the Promotional Package will be given priority.
  • The MDA Scientific Session Committee has the right to reject any presentation they feel is not in the best interest of the meeting and attendees.
  • If your presentation is accepted you will receive a confirmation and may be asked to submit additional materials as needed.


Contact Whitney Bey at (612) 767-8400 or via email at

Applications are now closed.

CE Spot Application

    Using the options below, please share your top 3 time preferences.
    9:30 a.m.
    10:15 a.m.
    11:00 a.m.
    11:45 a.m.
    12:30 p.m.
    1:15 p.m.
    2:00 p.m.
    2:45 p.m.
  • * The Minnesota Dental Association will be submitting the received CE Spot Submissions to the Minnesota Board of Dentistry to see if they qualify for CE credit.