MDA Women’s Seminar
Please join us for the February 2020 Women’s Seminar. Registration is below.
February 29, 2020
Dr. Kim Harms
About the Seminar
From Calamity to Catastrophe: Emotional Emergencies in the Dental Office
Death, divorce, job loss, hurricanes, flooding, political unrest, health issues, addictions, and economic downturns are part of life. Any of these catastrophes can have an effect on the dentist, dental team and patients. Unfortunately, in dentistry, our professional lives are very public, and expressions of grief do not work easily into a relationship where drilling is involved. Our patients expect their dentists to smile and focus on the task at hand.
Learning Objectives:
- Understand how grief and depression affect dentists and the numerous circumstances that constitute a major loss
- Develop an Emotional Emergency Plan to help your team cope with future inevitable losses within the team and with patients
- Discover the power of forgiveness from personal stories of Genocide survivors in Rwanda, Armenia, and Eastern Europe
- Examine the unique nature of a professional life in dentistry and the stigma and secrecy we encounter when it comes to grief and depression
- Expand your resilience potential and know that no matter what happens in your life, peace, joy and happiness are still possible
To Floss or not to Floss: That is the Question
In an era of easy website development and social media anyone can claim to be an expert in dentistry. This seminar is designed to help dental professionals guide their patients in critically analyzing information they receive from media outlets. Dr. Harms will share her experiences as a spokesperson for the ADA on topics such as microbial biofilm affecting our water, the AIDS epidemic, fluoride, amalgam, oil pulling, charcoal pulling and fecal bacteria on our toothbrushes. The ultimate goal is for participants to become their patient’s most trusted source of oral health information.
Learning Objectives:
- Describe the six ways to create a fan base
- Review the most frequently searched online dental topics and the credentials of those providing online information
- Develop a customized information handout to help patients discern the credentials of online “experts”
- Delineate the important steps necessary to manage or avert a public relations crisis originating on the internet
- Become your patients first and most trusted source of dental information by expanding your verbal skills when discussing controversial dental health issues and developing an office-wide patient education system for them to turn to.
About the Speaker
After a 30-year career in clinical dentistry and 21 years as a National Spokesperson for the American Dental Association (ADA), Dr. Kim Harms has seen the importance of positive communication, management of conflict, and relationship building first hand. Her goal is to help untangle problems and support those with grief issues by sharing that accumulated knowledge with seminar attendees. Dr. Harms is a former grief counselor and currently is a “Qualified Neutral” (Civil Mediator) in the state of Minnesota where she manages the patient complaint intake for the Minnesota Dental Association’s Peer Review program.
Delta Hotel by Marriott Minneapolis Northeast
1330 Industrial Boulevard NE
Minneapolis, MN 55413
8:15 a.m. – 8:45 a.m. Breakfast & Registration
9 a.m. – 10:30 a.m. Session One
10:30 a.m. – 10:45 a.m. Break
10:45 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Session Two
2.5 Credits