Information for Authors

Northwest Dentistry is the official journal of the Minnesota Dental Association (MDA). Bimonthly distribution includes the member dentists of the Minnesota Dental Association, students and libraries of the University of Minnesota School of Dentistry, and subscribers worldwide. Circulation exceeds 3,000. In addition, manuscripts appearing in the journal are published on the MDA web site.

Northwest Dentistry features: scientific and clinical research and discussion, reviews of the literature, and treatment techniques; features on member and Association activities; practice management; professional guidelines including regulatory updates; and news and editorial/opinion articles including Letters to the Editor.

Northwest Dentistry is published under the supervision of the Editorial Advisory Board and the Northwest Dentistry Editorial Staff. Neither the Editorial Staff, the Editor, nor the Association is responsible for any expression of opinion or statement of fact, all of which are published solely on the authority of the author whose name or initials are indicated. The Association reserves the right to reduce, revise, or reject any manuscript. Manuscripts for publication and correspondence regarding editorial matters should be addressed to the Editor. Letters of inquiry are requested for proposed articles, to include a brief description of subject matter, length, and requirements for photos and/or graphic support. Articles and photos published in Northwest Dentistry become the property of the Minnesota Dental Association and may not be reprinted without written permission.

Deadlines for copy supplied by Contributing Editors and other regular contributors are provided by editorial staff prior to start of each new volume.

Manuscript & Illustration Preparation

All manuscripts must be submitted as Word documents, either emailed or sent on disk. The title should be kept short; MDA reserves the right to shorten titles. An abstract of approximately 50-100 words should be included. Manuscripts should not be less than 800 words (approximately four double-spaced pages) nor more than 5,000 words (approximately 20 pages).

Use of illustrations and photographs is encouraged. They should be submitted as JPEGs or TIFFs, and should be sent as individual files (one per image) that are not embedded in any other program. They should be at least 350 dpi at two and one-half inches wide. All illustrations and drawings should be numbered and top and bottom should be indicated. Each illustration should be accompanied by an appropriate legend, which should be listed separately and not on the illustration or drawing. The text of the paper should indicate the preferred points of insertion. The corresponding author’s name, address, fax, phone, and email must accompany the manuscript.

References should be selective. They must be keyed to the text and numbered consecutively with their appearance within the text. They should include, in order, name of author, title of article, name of periodical, volume, number, date of publication, and page numbers. For books, the name of the publisher and its location should be included. Up to three authors may be listed. For four or more authors, the first three authors should be listed, followed by et al.

Example: White SN, MacEntee MI, Smithson DS et al. Restorative treatment for geriatric root caries. J Cal Dent Assoc 22(3);1994:55-60.

Authorship Requirements

When a manuscript is submitted, a signed statement on authorship responsibility, a statement on financial disclosure, and one of the two applicable statements on copyright or federal employment must be included. Each of these three statements must be signed by all authors.

Authorship responsibility: “I certify that I have participated sufficiently in the conception and design of this work and the analysis of the data (when applicable), as well as the writing of the manuscript to take public responsibility for it. Neither this manuscript nor one with substantially similar content under my authorship has been published or is being considered for publication elsewhere, except as described in an attachment. If requested, I shall produce the data upon which the manuscript is based for examination by the editors or their assignees.”

Financial disclosure: “I certify that any affiliations with or involvement in any organization or entity with a direct financial interest in the subject matter or materials discussed in the manuscript (e.g., employment, consultancies, stock ownership, honoraria, expert testimony) are disclosed below. I have listed research or project support in an acknowledgment.”

Copyright transfer: “In consideration of the action of Minnesota Dental Association in reviewing and editing this submission, the author transfers, assigns, or otherwise conveys all copyright ownership to MDA in the event that such work is published by MDA in any medium, including, but not limited to, Northwest Dentistry and the MDA web site.”

Publication & Copyright

Contributors will be notified within 90 days if a manuscript is accepted for publication.

In consideration of the action of the Minnesota Dental Association in reviewing and editing this manuscript, the authors transfer, assign or otherwise convey all copyright ownership of the manuscript, excluding photographs, to MDA. In addition, the authors grant permission for manuscripts and all images to be published by MDA in any medium, including but not limited to the web sites ofNorthwest Dentistry Journal and the Association, as well as third-party publishers of reference materials licensed through the MDA. In all such cases, materials shall bear the Northwest Dentistry volume, issue and page information. If authors do not have copyright ownership of submitted images, authors hereby warrant that such permission has been obtained and a Permission of Use form submitted to the Editor prior to publication.”

Authors will be granted reprint and republish permission upon request whenever possible.

Letters to the Editor

Readers of Northwest Dentistry are invited to submit Letters to the Editor on topics related to articles or columns previously published in the journal. Letters written to express viewpoints about current policies or actions of the MDA or other agencies will be referred to an appropriate individual, department, or committee to directly respond to the author. The views expressed are those of the writers and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Minnesota Dental Association, the Editorial Advisory Board, or Northwest Dentistry editorial staff. Letters will be accepted by email at

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Principal authors of manuscripts published in Northwest Dentistry will receive three copies of the issue in which the article appears.

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Address all manuscripts and related correspondence to:

Susan Miller, Managing Editor
Northwest Dentistry

Northwest Dentistry is indexed in the Index to Dental Literature.